My Word for 2024 Is Abundance

I choose, claim, and own it

Lotus Empress
2 min readJan 2, 2024
Photo by Yingchou Han on Unsplash

For 2024, I embody the energy of abundance in all areas of my life.

We all deserve abundance.

Before we can receive abundance in its physical form, we get to feel it first in its energetic and emotional form.

As Neville Goddard says, “Feeling is the secret” to manifestation.

You don’t attract what you want, you attract who you are.

So, before we focus on the doing, let’s shift our energy to our state of being.

What would you feel if you were living from the wish or desire fulfilled?

In 2024, every day I intend to feel gratitude, joy, and love for every present moment I am blessed to experience.

My self-love is the foundation from which my abundance springs forth.

As I plant seeds of desire in my subconscious mind, I water those seeds with love, joy, excitement, passion, and gratitude.

With detachment from the expected outcome, I trust that the Universe and I will co-create magic beyond my wildest dreams.

I trust my process and journey towards a life filled with purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

In 2024, I shine my light as a Freedom Manifestation Coach to help guide people towards their breakthroughs so they can feel free to live from their authentic self and their desired life.

Thank you, 2024, for being the year of great abundance for good health, wealth, opportunities, joy, prosperity, loving relationships, and happiness in all areas of my life!

Thank you, Universe! I am open to give and receive. I trust in you!

What do you want to manifest in 2024?

